Friday, October 30, 2015

obligatory "1st Post" post

Life moves way too fast.  Almost to the point where important things fall through the cracks of time and are lost from memory.  So the point of this blog is to serve as a journal to remember what the heck I’m up too.  I can remember when Ben was born how busy I was.  Between a new house, transferring jobs, and training for an Ironman I know I had a lot on my plate.  But I don’t remember the particulars.  So that’s what I’m hoping to do.  Record the particulars so I can look back and remember. 

Blogs were pretty cool.  Back in oh 2008ish.  Now not so much.  But I can barely read my own handwriting so a journal is out, and Kelci and I take lots of photos on our phones.  Now I have somewhere to dump them with some words for context. Since we never seem to get any pictures printed scrapbooking is out (not to mention playing with stickers, glue and decorative scissors isn’t exactly a favorite hobby of mine)

I’m looking forward to recording our life so while it seems pretty plain and boring at a glance I can remember how complex and intricate and beautiful our lives really are.  I relish the idea of pulling up my site and reading back through.  Seeing lots of mishaps and a few triumphs.  Seeing what I thought was worth remembering and how I saw things at that time.  Will I stick with it?  I sure hope so.  If not it means I didn’t get out of it what I thought I would and wasn’t worth the time put into it.  I’d say there is a 50/50 shot right now. So let’s bring it all up to date.

I am almost 30.  I have had 3 wonderful children, Maxton was born first.  March 31st of 2011 was easily the greatest day of my life.  We were only given 2 months to enjoy Max.  He passed away from SIDS 2 days after Kelci returned to work from her Maternity leave. That happened to be the worst day/period of my life.  Before Max I knew I wanted kids but wasn’t sure how to handle a baby.  Other than brief encounters with my young niece I didn’t know anything about babies.  And I was too much of a kid and too selfish to be a great father.  So my experience with Max made me grow up, and the best gift he gave me was showing me how much I needed to appreciate what I have and to be present in the moment.  I took life and the future for granted. 

A year later our second son Kamben was born. He is a rambunctious 3 year old with a mischievous streak.  He also ridiculously smart and loving and adorable.  And a cute redhead to boot.   We also have Boston.  She is currently a 7 month old who constantly smiles and wakes up happy and is just a joy.  I was scared of what being a father to a daughter meant.  And I still nervous about what the future holds but I am absolutely wrapped around her finger.

I'm married to Kelci Jo.  The only woman I’ve ever met who puts up with my shit.  Whether its my excessive sarcasm and quick tongue that can get me into trouble fast, or my obsession with a million different hobby's she puts up with it.  Sometimes she struggles with it, which is understandable, my nature is a pain in the ass.  But she loves me for who I am and I truly strive to be better for her.  And to be honest with you I know that I am better because of her.  She is a PA with a new job in a new clinic back in our old hometown.  We recently relocated because I found a new job and so she uprooted her life for me. (she sounds pretty wonderful huh)  So her stress meter is through the roof but being as amazing as she is, shes doing pretty fantastic.

My new job is along the same vein as my old one.  Since as people say Sales is Sales.  But my old sales position was mainly to up sell consumers and push financial products at a credit union.  Now I'm selling bricks.  I work for the brick plant in Hoisington, Kansas.  I work mainly with distributors that sell our bricks nationwide.  Its definitely a change for me, it involves travel and a different approach to sales.  More networking and facilitating vs actual sales.  I never talk to the customer.   I like the hours and my coworkers and the job itself.  So as far as occupation goes. I’m definitely excited about what the future holds.

Here's the about me part.  I most easily identify with being a triathlete.  A swim bike runner.  That is what people would say first when asked to talk about me.  I grew up swimming.  Enjoy biking, and pretty much despise running most of the time.  Life has made a lot of other things more important than fitness the last couple years so my attempts at racing have been half-hearted at best.  I'm hoping to change that once life settles down a bit.  Outside of triathlon I have lots of hobbies and goals.  I like to play golf, disc golf, and throw around a football.  Basically I love being active.  I backpacked up my first mountain earlier this summer and would love to spend more time in the outdoors.  I like to play games, from cornhole in the backyard to Halo on my old xbox its all fun to me.  I love to watch Movies and keep up with a few tv shows.  I love to work with my hands.  Woodworking, mechanical things, yard work, home improvement are all things that get my hands dirty and give me things to think about.  I’m also a nerd.  Tech toys fascinate me, I’ve built a computer and a whole home theater.  I like to research things to death and then build.  I’m a fanatical Pittsburgh Steelers fan.  And I enjoy the Penguins and Pirates as well.  I grew up in the Pittsburgh area and have followed those 3 teams my whole life.

Well I guess that’s enough background.  From here on out it should be just content.  A scrollable timeline of my life from this day forward.  Something I will be able to look back on and laugh or cry.  And hopefully it will help me remember something that time would have otherwise eroded from my mind.
